Welcome to  Martial Arts Online


  • You won't find a good school or institution near you!
  • You don't want to go to the next best thing around the corner!
  • You are fed up with bad, unqualified, aggressive, brutal “teachers”!
  • You want to learn the best Wing Chun Kung Fu, Escrima, Self Defense, Knife Training, Sword Training...!
  • You studied with us at the Wu-Te Academy, but had to move!
  • You are doing vocational training and want to deepen what you have learned!
  • You're learning at the Wu-Te Academy and you just want to learn more!
  • You simply want to train independently and flexibly from home!


Of course, this portal cannot replace a qualified teacher. It's a good addition, a way to get started and for many people it's often the only way to learn anything!

Free but not unavailingly!

Freely accessible

Videos Wing Chun and Escrima for you! 

Serrada Escrima

Learning programs and videos on the subject of Serrada Escrima, weapon fighting, stick fighting, knife fighting

Wing Chun

Learning programs and videos on the subject of Wing Chun Kung Fu, martial arts, self-defense

About Martial- Arts- Online

The Wu-Te Academy was founded in 1998 by Sifu M. Gül  to make the versatility of Asian martial arts and movement skills accessible to everyone.

At that time still local and offline- today international plus online with our

Online- Video - learning Platform:

martialarts-online. de

Wu Te – the martial arts virtues

In history, a pair of terms “Wu Te”(often written “Wu De”) has established itself in China: the martial arts virtues, a contraction of “Wu Shu”

(Chinese for martial arts) and”Dao Te” (the way and the right way to go).
“Té”: ways of dealing with life – forces – virtues – the way
“Wu” stands for combat technology / martial arts
Wu-Te = The martial arts virtues
The philosophy of martial arts
Wu-Te goes far beyond physical training!